Patient Participation Group (PPG) / Carers Section

Dear Patient,

patient survey

We are currently recruiting members to form a Patient Participation Group. Our aim is to form a link between the patients and the Practice with a view to making a useful contribution to the improvement of existing services.

Members of the medical staff and the Practice Manager are able to meet quarterly to discuss matters relating to the surgery.

We raise issues which have caused concern or worry for patients as well as those which have been successful and  helpful. The PPG does not handle individual complaints.

The aims of the Group are:

  • To improve communication between the Practice and the Patients.
  • To exchange information and ideas.
  • To discuss recent or future developments which involve the practice and its patients.
  • To consider patients concerns, comments or suggestions about the quality of the service provided and what improvements can be made.

All patients of the Practice are eligible to join the Patient Participation Group, so if you are enthusiastic about the surgery and have a few hours to spare each quarter please think about becoming a member of our PPG.

If this is something that would interest you, please contact the surgery to discuss in further detail.

Many thanks for your assistance

The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The Data Protection Act 1998 gives you the right to know what information is held about you and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.

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